Music Lessons at Thompson Music

Meet our Staff


All individuals who are seeking to enroll in the Thompson Music Lesson Studio Program must have a signed copy of the policy and procedure document on their file before the first day of the scheduled lesson. This document can only be signed by a student, parent, or legal guardian 21 years of age or older. This procedure ensures that all participating students and legal guardians of the students fully understand and agree with the policies laid forth by the Thompson Music Lesson Studio Program and creates the best environment possible for the success of the student. 

Policies and procedures may vary from one teacher to the next and will be outlined in the Lesson Polices and Procedures Contract that you will receive from the teacher. 


Registrations are taken on a first come/first serve basis over the phone, contact form below or in person at Thompson Music. Once the registration is received by the office, your preferred lesson instructor will be in contact to discuss any further information, answer any questions, and schedule the first lesson. 

● All registrations must be submitted by individuals over 21 years of age. This can be done by a parent or legal guardian. 

● For all registrations received over the phone, please allow up to 48 hours for the Thompson Music lesson instructor to contact you to set up your first lesson.

● Voicemails do not confirm the registration of students. The assigned teacher will contact the student/legal guardian to confirm. 


● Students should arrive on time for lessons. Lessons must end on time even if the student arrives late. 

● Intervals for lessons are offered at 30 min, 45 min, or 60 min lesson intervals. 

● The parent or legal guardian will be responsible and is required to pay for any or all damages to the building, equipment, or any other property of Thompson Music in the event a student under the age of 16 is left unsupervised in one of the studios.


● The billing system we utilize charges your card automatically on the 1st of each month before the lessons occur. 

● It is important to note that the monthly tuition is an agreement between the  Instructor and the student to attend the dates and times scheduled in advance. 

● For students who start in the middle of the month, tuition will be prorated to reflect the number of lessons being received. 


● Monthly billing is priced by each induvial instructor.  Pricing will be detailed on the contract provided by the teacher. 

● An electronic payment method is required for paying tuition. If the billable party does not have access to an electronic payment method, then an alternative payment method must be arranged before lessons can begin.


● The Lesson Studio holds lessons year-round, except for the holidays listed below. 

● If the regularly scheduled lesson falls on a holiday, lessons are canceled without a refund and a makeup or refund will not be issued. 

● The following days are the major holidays on which the lesson studios will be closed: 

○ Memorial Day 

○ Independence Day 

○ Labor Day 

○ Thanksgiving Day 

○ Dec 24th - Jan 2nd

Severe weather cancellations and closings will follow the Public School’s closing notifications throughout the winter season. If there is a “snow day” declared, all lessons are considered canceled with no refunds or makeup lessons and The Studios are closed for the day. 

● In the event of severe weather that inhibits the ability for students and instructors to meet, all lessons are considered canceled with no refunds or makeup lessons and the Studios are closed for the day.

● All severe weather closings will be communicated through the  Instructor. General news and weather cancellations will also be communicated through the Thompson Music Facebook page. 


● Thompson Music and the instructors encourage all students of music to practice every day, even for a few moments. Practice is expected and indispensable for progress. Consistency is key! 

● It is advised to all students that the Instructors will challenge you as well as hope to inspire you to do your very best. 


● We expect all students to behave respectfully toward their  Instructor. 

● If the student’s behavior is considered to be unfit for proper instruction, it is the responsibility of the Instructor to inform the parent or guardian that lessons will be suspended until the student's behavior is managed. 

● All Instructors have the right and ability to place the student in a “probationary period” for a length of time. Notice will be given to the parent or guardian before this period. If the behavior does not improve, any further lessons will be suspended without a refund. 

● All damages to equipment or property in or around any of the Thompson Music facilities will be liable to the responsible party. 

● Thompson Music is equipped with HD security cameras and are monitored daily. 

For more information please use the contact form below.


Contact form

Thompson Music Co.

14220 Fort St. Ste. 103, Omaha, NE 68164 (402) 289-9699